Download obduction playstation
Download obduction playstation

I’m interested in how this affected puzzle design.

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There are some obvious benefits, like the fact that you can walk around the world of Obduction in full realtime 3D, whereas the original Myst was a series of 2D images. Today’s consoles are insane supercomputers compared to the machines people played Myst on, back in the day. Jonathan Blow: One very obvious trend, looking at the series of games from Myst through Obduction, has been the advancement of technology. I felt like this was a good opportunity to ask some serious design questions, so here goes!

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I have been playing Rand’s games since the 1990s, and Myst and Riven were both huge influences on The Witness. Hi, everyone! PlayStation Blog invited me to help celebrate the upcoming PS4 release of Cyan’s game Obduction by doing a question-and-answer session with Rand Miller, CEO and lead designer of the game.

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